Krishna stands behind everything

We give toys to children to keep them busy and happy.
And as we grow up, we find unlimited toys (Bikes, Cars, Perfumes, Watches, Homes, Shoes, Homes, Drinks, Hookah Parlours and what not) and we get busy and happy with these till the last breath. Beyond the toys is the father who gave the toys.

Similarly, Beyond the Gazillion things we want to touch in this world and enjoy is the Supreme father Krishna. This is the #1 gift you can give to your child and yourself -- the vision to see Krishna standing behind everything in this world. The whole purpose of Gita is to give us that vision.

BG 7.4

भूमिरापोऽनलो वायुः खं मनो बुद्धिरेव च।
अहंकार इतियं मे भिन्ना प्रकृतिरष्टधा ॥ 4 ॥

Translation :Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego – all together these eight constitute My separated material energies.